
What Is Premature Ejaculation And How To Avoid It

12:12 AM

I have compiled a few helpful videos regarding the topic of premature ejaculation. This one of the common issues that occur in men, specially for those who have sex for the first time.

Experiencing premature ejaculation is somewhat embarrassing to the sex partner, and additionally, it can make someone feel that he has not satisfied his partner sexual activities.

For a married couple, the husband or male sex partner may feel that his wife still wants more, however, due to rapid ejaculation occurrence, there is nothing more he can do. If this happens to you as a married couple, honestly admit it to your wife and talk over about the ways on avoiding it. If you admit it honestly, there is a big chance and most women understands it. Majority of women may even help finding ways of controlling it and help delay the ejaculation.

There are certain ways on handling ejaculation (I suggest you watch the video for the tips and tricks about how to control or overcome premature ejaculation). Mostly, this is a psychological issue and can be easily addressed through constant practice of controlled deep breathing, diverting one's imagination when it's about to explode or through masturbation.

Masturbation significantly help in controlling ejaculation. The more one masturbate and attempting to control ejaculation occurrence, the bigger the chances it will be learned quickly.

What Is Premature or Rapid Ejaculation?


Ways Of Overcoming Premature Ejaculation

There you have it, premature ejaculation along with its facts, controlling and delaying the explosion. If you are among those men who are experiencing rapid explosion, admit it and seek help. If you have a partner, talk about it... Most of the time, any problem between partners can easily be solved.

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  1. Three videos in this article provides concept of premature ejaculation well, since content in these videos are simple and easy to understand.
